Must be the season of the witch - evil eye hoop earring

Must be the season of the witch - evil eye hoop earring
Scripta manent. Words matter, pen nib hoop earrings

Scripta manent. Words matter, pen nib hoop earrings
Groove is in the heart - heart and pearls clip-on earrings

Groove is in the heart - heart and pearls clip-on earrings
Heartbreak hotel - Teardrop & heart clip-on earrings

Heartbreak hotel - Teardrop & heart clip-on earrings
Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw - Pear & pearls earrings

Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw - Pear & pearls earrings
Fly me to the moon - Birds and pearls clip-on earrings.

Fly me to the moon - Birds and pearls clip-on earrings.